hsc learning login
Want to get into the “hsc learning login” and looking for more detailed information, Here are the listed pages that you can access.
Find links to access your email, online courses, electronic medical records, policies and more if you work at a UNM Health facility. Learn how to use HSCLink, Learning Central, MOSAIQ, LoboCare Network and other tools.
Sign in with your organizational account … Sign in
LearnHSCNI – Help and Support. Help for Learners. View articles to support you as a learner using the LearnHSCNI system to complete and track your statutory and mandatory training, as well as any organisational, or optional training that you may complete. Help for Team Leaders.
Find out which devices and browsers are compatible with the Agylia LMS and Apps. See the latest updates and end dates for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS/iPadOS systems.
LearnHSCNI is the platform for HSCNI staff to access e-learning programmes designed by the Clinical Education Centre. Non HSCNI staff can request access through the PHA.
HSC Learning Centre – User Guide. ACCESSING THE SITE. Open a web browser, type. http://www.hsclearning.com and press enter. Click the ‘login’ button and enter your username and password yet please read the section on ‘Self-Registration’.
If you are already a member please login to apply. Programme Search. Enter search term. Search. Nursing & Midwifery Programmes … e-Learning Programmes.
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